Prototipo - DUAL
Prototype DUAL:
A 2D side scroller game.
- The player controls a character AND the "spiritual reflection" of that character.
- The goal in each level is to collect stars to get the door to the next level.
- The "real" character (the BLACK one) can only be affected by "real" (BLACK) things:
- Black Floors
- Black Platforms
- Black traps
- The "real" character (BLACK) will go through all white/pink things.
- The "spiritual" character (WHITE) can therefore only be affected by "spiritual" (WHITE/PINK) things:
- Pink floors
- Pink Platforms
- White traps
- The "spiritual" character (WHITE) will go through all black things.
- Only two levels since this is a prototype to test an idea.
- Both levels have the same goal : collect 3 "real" (BLACK) stars and 3 "spiritual" (PINK) stars. Once the player has collected all 6 the door to the next level will turn blue and they will be able to go to the next level.